Frequently asked questions
What do you mean by "registration is free"?
Registration is free means that you do not have to pay anything to create an account on our platform.
How are the prices determined based on usage?
The prices are determined based on how much you use the platform. The more you use it, the higher the price will be. However, we have a dynamic pricing system that ensures you only pay for what you use.
Can you explain more about the real-time database of company reports?
Our platform has a real-time database of company reports, which means that you can access the most up-to-date information about companies as it becomes available.
Is there a consultant available to help with commercial issues?
Yes, we have a consultant available to help with commercial issues. You can contact our support team to be put in touch with a consultant.
Can I save the data I've already viewed on your platform?
Yes, you can save the data you’ve already viewed on our platform. This allows you to easily access the information again later without having to search for it.
Is it possible to save the data I've already searched for on your platform?
Yes, you can save the data you’ve already searched for on our platform. This allows you to easily access the information again later without having to perform the search again.
Can I download the data I've already saved on your platform?
Yes, you can download the data you’ve already saved on our platform. This allows you to use the information outside of our platform.
How secure are the payments made through Stripe?
The payments made through Stripe are very secure. Stripe is a well-known and trusted payment processor that uses advanced security measures to protect your payment information.
Is there a minimum amount that I need to recharge my credit with?
No, there is no minimum amount that you need to recharge your credit with. You can recharge your credit with any amount you like.
Are there any additional fees or charges that I need to be aware of when using your platform?
No, there are no additional fees or charges that you need to be aware of when using our platform. The price you pay is based solely on how much you use the platform.